Shear Wall

Shear walls are the RCC walls provided in the middle of the structure to take the horizontal load of the structure.
They are built with RCC instead of brick masonry for this particular reason and they are cast on a separate foundation which is slightly deeper than the main foundation level.

Anchor length bars are left on the stairs and the load can be shaved from these walls.

Advantages of Shear Wall as Lift and Stair Wall:

  1.     It supports horizontal earth pressure below floor level
  2.     It prevents seepage of water into the lift pit
  3.     Since lift frames are drilled into the wall, a concrete wall provides a better anchorage

Disadvantages of Shear Wall:
  1.     Shear wall are difficult to build.
  2.     He has a frivolous appearance.
  3.     The loud banging sounds are associated with the buckling of the web plates.
  4.     It has low hardness and energy dissipation capacity.

Also read: Difference between Shear Wall and Retaining Wall


Shear walls are one of the most effective building elements in resisting lateral forces during an earthquake.

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